Tag Archives: stroke

Day 13 of Month 3. 10:33 AM

This should be a grrr entry. I think my last one should probably have been as well, but I can’t remember.

At any rate,

My house-guest is gone. Not dead. Not gone home. Gone of his own volition–while not able to claim, with legal certainty, the power to do so. I think that for him, what happened could be compared to having a legal tractor roll on top of him, but– with a surge of adrenalin–he was able to lift it off himself.

Or maybe, he dreamed it.

I hope reality materializes for him. I hope he has as much determination to put to that purpose as he did adrenalin.

To change the subject–this is a grrr post because my bill-writing phobia is upon me. I’m late, I’m late.

Please don’t take this too personally or too lightly, but I love you all!!